Customer Reviews

We love hearing about the positive impact our products/services have on people’s lives. Thank you for sharing your experience with us!

"Your collagen is the best thing I've found!! For the last year. I've been waking up during the night and having to turn on my other side cos I have pain in my hips - I'm in my 30s - apparently this is age hitting me hard!! I bought the collagen at an Eid pop up 10 days ago and realized last night that for the past 4 days I've had ZERO pain. Shukran, I'm obsessed with this product"

"My Magic Powder has arrived!! This Collagen is super amazing! It is defs a must try! I am on my 7th tub now and I cannot picture my life without it! My hair, nails, skin and overall health is just great thanks to your collagen"

"Been using the collagen. My hair has grown so much in just a few months and looks super healthy, so has my nails and skin And it also gives you a good nights sleep."                                                                  

"I'm on my third tub I can see the difference on my skin & I've been experiencing a soreness on my right knee since my Hajj 2017 but Algamdullilah it's feeling much better, I think I can run a marathon. Last but not least tiredness & lethargy is definitely a thing of the past! Algamdullilah and Shukran for introducing me to your products!"

"I suffer with IBS and since have been using it it had not troubled me, I don't feel bloated and it has made a huge difference wrt going regularly. I sleep so much better too and feel more energised. Shukraan so much for an awesome product"

"As someone who constantly suffers from joint pain and inflammation in my ankles, this collagen has been game changer! 17 days into the new year and new exercise routine haven't taken a single painkiller I've had little to no pain in my ankle. The best part, I can include skipping back into my cardio routines"

"The collagen has helped with hair growth and reduced hair fallout. My hair feels so much thicker and no longer looks like a mouse tail. My gut health has improved immediately. Within the same day I felt the benefits and loving it. And as an eczema sufferer, it has helped sooth the dry itchy skin"

"I ordered your collagen after my sister kept raving about it during Ramadan. It's been just over a month of using it and wow. I can't begin to explain how happy l am. I've suffered intensely with insomnia and hardly slept but since taking your collagen I get a good nights deep rest every night Alghamdulilah. I also started noticing how clear my skin has gotten after suffering with it for years. My hair hasn't grown this fast in a good couple of years and I can't wait to see whats yet to come I've also noticed I have'nt been getting bad pain due to my endometriosis and I can tell its from this.  I've just received my second batch of Collagen today with an extra gift. Shukran to you l am an extremely happy customer and will be for a very long time. The collagen has been the best investment of my life. Wishing you endless success for your business InshaAllah Allah"

"I've used collagen when I heard it helps you sleep. And it worked! The other plus was my hair looked great and grew in a bit.

"Hi there, I don’t usually provide reviews however I feel that this product truly deserves one. I’ve been taking your product for the past couple of weeks and almost immediately I felt the benefits of taking it. Within the first few days, I noticed such a big improvement in my sleep and feeling more energized throughout the day. Also, not only has my gut health improved but I feel less sore after working out. What a truly amazing product! Thank you!"